To make a Onetime Payment, please enter your apartment complex name or office name by initials only followed by your apt number or suite number in the blank box below as shown in these examples for the apartment complex or office suite you occupy. Then click the Onetime Payments button:
Gentian Village apartment #1 would be entered as GV 1, etc.
Gentian Square #101 would be entered as GS 101, etc.
Office Suites # A would be entered as OS A, etc.
House Of Blair would be entered as HOB
St Francis Duplex #B would be entered as SF B, etc.
Forest Court 101 would be entered as FC 101, etc.
Forest Court # A would be entered as FC A, etc.
Woodcliff apartment #B-35 would be entered as WC B-35, etc.
The Oaks apartment #3 would be entered as TO 3, etc.
Wynnton Rd apartment #B would be entered as WR B, etc.
Armour Office Suite would be entered as AO
1. To set-up Recurring Payments, please click the Recurring Payments button and use same guidelines to set-up your monthly automatic recurring payments. Enrollment in ACH Recurring payments (automatic draft from your checking account) is FREE with no additional fees.
2. A required $15 CONVENIENCE FEE will be added to all credit card/debit card onetime payments. Make sure you add this fee when making your rent payment by this method. RENT + $15 = TOTAL PAYMENT DUE.
3. A required $5.00 CONVENIENCE FEE will be added to all ACH (automatic draft from your checking account) onetime payments. Make sure you add this fee when making your payment by this method. RENT + $5 = TOTAL PAYMENT DUE.
*The NO FEE payment can only be made if enrolled in ACH Recurring Payments(automatic draft from your checking account). Payments must be made through ACH Recurring Payments to qualify for the NO FEE. Credit/ Debit card payments DO NOT QUALIFY for the NO FEE.